Melanie Klein, “The Importance of Symbol-Formation in the Development of the Ego” (1930) (III)
We concluded the last entry with several questions, together with a passage from Klein’s piece that seems to provide answers to them. Among these questions are the following:
What is the origin of the infant’s anxiety?
What is the connection between this anxiety and the infant’s “defenses”?
Where does aggression fit into this picture?
And here, again, is the passage:
“The excess of sadism gives rise to anxiety and sets in motion the ego's earliest modes of defense. Freud writes: ‘It may well be that, before ego and id have become sharply differentiated and before a super-ego has been developed, the mental apparatus employs different modes of defense from those which it practices after these levels of organization have been reached.’ According to what I have found in analysis the earliest defense set up by the ego has reference to two sources of danger: the subject's own sadism and the object which is attacked. This defense, in conformity with the degree of the sadism, is of a violent character and differs fundamentally from the later mechanism of repression. In relation to the subject's own sadism the defense implies expulsion, whereas in relation to the object it implies destruction. The sadism becomes a source of danger because it offers an occasion for the liberation of anxiety and also because the weapons employed to destroy the object are felt by the subject to be leveled at his own person also. The object of the attack becomes a source of danger because the subject fears similar, retaliatory attacks from it. Thus, the wholly undeveloped ego is faced with a task which at this stage is quite beyond it — the task of mastering the severest anxiety” (220)
We will notice two general ideas in this passage, which initially — for clarity’s sake — we might like to address separately. These ideas concern:
The relation between sadism and anxiety
The relation between anxiety and defense
In fact, the items in Klein’s account appear to constitute a simple syllogism, of the form
A > B
B > C
∴ A > C
where, “A” is some irreducible and ineradicable quantum of sadism (a drive); “B” is the anxiety this sadism stirs up, by various routes; and “C” is the defense or defenses this anxiety then necessarily activates. (We will additionally notice a quantitative element to Klein’s position: the greater the sadism, the greater is the anxiety it occasions, and thus the stronger — more “violent,” as Klein puts things — are the defenses brought into operation to manage it.) In summary, then, Klein implies that, beginning with the premise of infantile sadism, one may derive both anxiety and, secondarily, the assorted defenses.
We will admittedly perceive a certain intermingling and interdependence in Klein’s presentation of these ideas. Nonetheless, I will put C aside for now, to some extent, and focus on the first “plank” of her argument, A > B. (For the time being, that is, we can only anticipate some version of B > C: the infant’s anxiety is going to activate some defense or defenses.) I will take this up in detail in the next entry.
For the moment, though, I want to emphasize a couple of points, by way of framing and motivating our question. On Klein’s view, the death drive, together with the “aggression” that evinces it, are as much a brute datum of infantile experience as one is likely to encounter. As I suggested in the last entry, she sees as little need to “derive” the infant’s aggression as she would its hunger, libido, or any other inborn “drive.”
So we will grant this initial assumption. Our question then is: why exactly should this aggression — particularly an “excess of sadism” — create anxiety in the infant? The answer to this question is perhaps less obvious than it appears. Let us recall that, for Freud, a drive — an inner excitation — can only have one “aim”: discharge, hence some pleasurable release of tension. (To be sure, this story is subjected to scrutiny and revision in Freud’s later writings.) In this light — and our moral scruples notwithstanding — it is difficult to see why the successful discharge of aggression should incur an essentially un-pleasurable sensation, such as anxiety. Indeed, accounting for such a paradoxical outcome, for a drive’s unexpected behaviors, is the task of “Drives and Their Fates,” and — in a sense — the entire Freudian edifice.
Yet for Klein the link between aggression and anxiety is neither arbitrary nor avoidable. On the evidence, it is impossible even to imagine a situation, even the most ideal, wherein anxiety fails to issue from the infant’s own aggression. In the next entry, we will consider her reasons for taking this position.
Melanie Klein, “The Importance of Symbol-Formation in the Development of the Ego” (1930) (II)
In the last entry, I discussed the Verfremdungseffekt of reading Klein’s “Symbol-Formation,” and a particular example of it, namely: her radical time-scale compression of the infant’s psychosexual stages, as well as a substantial “blurring” of the lines putatively separating these stages.
But Klein’s greater innovation, of course, concerns the pressures, aims, dynamics, and general psychological “mood” of these stages — all of which deviate from the conventional Freudian picture. In fact, the central innovation of “Symbol-Formation” arguably transcends any of these revisions. It touches on the most fundamental questions of metapsychology. For in the course of introducing her position, Klein appears to both appropriate and transfigure Freud’s account in “Formulations on the Two Principles of Mental Functioning” — an operation which Klein carries out, as usual, with a bare minimum of acknowledgment. This, in any case, is the argument I will try to develop in the following entries.
First, however, let me rehearse some of the orienting ideas of “Symbol-Formation." For Klein, the infant’s inborn “death drive” is expressed in its sadism — itself organized around the nodal points of the erogenous zones. Further, the infant spontaneously shapes this sadism (together with its anxiety and defenses against it) into a set of universal “phantasies.” I like to imagine that these phantasies are compounded of
a metaphysic — a universe of “things” that include, Klein tells us, the mother’s breast, the father’s penis, urine, exrement, and babies; and, after a fashion,
a theology — including such sadistic “ends" as possession and destruction, and the (annihilatory and persecutory) anxiety stirred up by the pursuit of those ends
Again, the nature of this sadism (its mode of expression) and its object (the target of sadistic attack) varies according to the psychosexual stage — hence erogenous zone — the infant has reached. Oral sadism, for example, quintessentially involves (phantastically-elaborated) activities of biting and devouring, naturally indexed to the breast as their “object.” But other phantasies soon overlay this one, according to the stage in question. The following lines convey the flavor of infantile experience during this sadistic era:
“It is my experience that in the phantasied attack on the mother's body a considerable part is played by the urethral and anal sadism which is very soon added to the oral and muscular sadism. In phantasy the excreta are transformed into dangerous weapons: wetting is regarded as cutting, stabbing, burning, drowning, while the faecal mass is equated with weapons and missiles. At a later stage of the phase which I have described, these violent modes of attack give place to hidden assaults by the most refined methods which sadism can devise, and the excreta are equated with poisonous substances.” (219-220)
Now, while Klein recognizes the reality and significance of both the life and death drives — of libidinal and destructive motivations — the focus of her reflections here and elsewhere is unmistakably the latter. This emphasis is hardly arbitrary, since for Klein the most important tasks (and hazards) of psychological development, healthy and unhealthy, originate precisely here: sadistic impulse and object, the anxiety that immediately surrounds both, the primitive mental strategies — defenses — deployed to manage that anxiety, and those universal phantasies in which all these elements are collected, with which the infant makes intelligible sense of its experience.
Notably, Klein does not supply much in the way of either explanation or justification here. Partly, no doubt, this is because her conjectures rest on observations and arguments developed in other writings. But partly, I suppose, in the nature of things little “justification” is demanded or even possible. The sadism and its object, the resulting anxiety, the defenses, and the phantasies that absorb and narrate these items — all appear as brute, irreducible facts of infantile mental life (and adult mental life, too, as something built on this substructure). The infant’s aggression admits of “derivation” just as little as its hunger or libido. And once we allow Klein’s additional premises — that
the infant is object-related from the earliest moments of life, hence that
the infant construes all its emotional states with reference to that object
— then everything else more or less falls into place. For it follows that the infant’s “satisfaction” is necessarily linked in its mind to a satisfying object, just as its “dissatisfaction” is inseparable for it from that same object, now experienced as withholding. An object experienced in this way, finally, must perforce become a target of anger, expressed in whatever mode, with whatever instruments, a given psychosexual stage makes available to the infant.
(Evidently, the Kleinian infant is an instinctive anthropomorphizer: no sooner does it experience some feeling than it indexes that feeling to an “object” as its (the feeling’s) cause, together with some motivation for causing it. This motive-ascription appears to bear a a proto-moral value: the infant conceives the object as responsible; that latter is credited or debited with bringing about its own feeling-state.)
How and why does anxiety appear in the infant’s experience? — What, for that matter, is the connection between this (internally-differentiated) anxiety and the “defensive” strategies pursued by the infant? Klein provides schematic answers to these questions in the following, dense paragraph:
“The excess of sadism gives rise to anxiety and sets in motion the ego's earliest modes of defense. Freud writes: ‘It may well be that, before ego and id have become sharply differentiated and before a super-ego has been developed, the mental apparatus employs different modes of defense from those which it practices after these levels of organization have been reached.’ According to what I have found in analysis the earliest defense set up by the ego has reference to two sources of danger: the subject's own sadism and the object which is attacked. This defense, in conformity with the degree of the sadism, is of a violent character and differs fundamentally from the later mechanism of repression. In relation to the subject's own sadism the defense implies expulsion, whereas in relation to the object it implies destruction. The sadism becomes a source of danger because it offers an occasion for the liberation of anxiety and also because the weapons employed to destroy the object are felt by the subject to be leveled at his own person also. The object of the attack becomes a source of danger because the subject fears similar, retaliatory attacks from it. Thus, the wholly undeveloped ego is faced with a task which at this stage is quite beyond it — the task of mastering the severest anxiety” (220)
I will comment on this paragraph in the next entry.
Melanie Klein, “The Importance of Symbol-Formation in the Development of the Ego” (1930) (I)
Reading Klein’s 1930 piece, I have the impression of someone quietly but radically revising Freud’s concepts and claims — nearly to the point of inverting their meanings. It is a Verfremdungseffekt — estrangement effect — in which familiar psychoanalytic tropes (drive, object, superego, anxiety, phantasy, reality) suddenly appear unfamiliar.
The effect is all the stronger as Klein generally provides no acknowledgement that she has deviated even an inch from Freudian orthodoxy. (Indeed, she occasionally indicates her positions can be grounded in that orthodoxy.) The first paragraph illustrates one aspect — far from the most extreme — of what I have in mind:
“My argument in this paper is based on the assumption that there is an early stage of mental development at which sadism becomes active at all the various sources of libidinal pleasure. In my experience sadism reaches its zenith in this phase, which is ushered in by the oral-sadistic desire to devour the mother's breast (or the mother herself) and passes away with the earlier anal stage. At the period of which I am speaking, the subject's dominant aim is to possess himself of the contents of the mother's body and to destroy her by means of every weapon which sadism can command. At the same time this phase forms the introduction to the Oedipus conflict. The genital is beginning to exercise an influence, but this is as yet not evident, for the pregenital impulses hold the field. My whole argument depends on the fact that the Oedipus conflict begins at a period when sadism predominates” (219)
The paragraph brims with words and phrases that either designate Freud’s psychosexual stages or are associated with them — oral, anal, phallic — and in a rough way Klein preserves their order and “themes.” But we will notice striking differences, as well. On the one hand, she contracts the time-scale of these stages — almost to the point of simultaneity. On the other hand, she alters their psychological coloring: they are now dominated by concerns (motivations, aims, and obstacles) that eclipse in importance much of what Freud himself accentuates. (I will take up the latter in the next entries.)
To focus here on the question of time-contraction: what chronological “range” — months and years — does “early stage of mental development” circumscribe in this paragraph, even approximately? If during this phase “sadism becomes active at all the various sources of libidinal pleasure,” then, assuming a Freudian schema, we might suppose that Klein’s hypothetical infant is rather far along in its development. That is: if all the erogenous zones — the various sources of libidinal pleasure — have been activated, then the infant has entered the phallic stage, at which the third and final zone affords its possessor pleasure. Only then, and no sooner, would it make sense to a Freudian to say that “all” sources of libidinal pleasure are relevant. And this means that our child is, on the standard model, somewhere between two and six years old.
But immediately Klein both foreshortens the time-scale in which the stages elapse and blurs the edges separating these stages. Indeed, at times Klein’s words create the paradoxical impression of a single “stage” that (somehow) both precedes and follows another.
Let us take Klein’s specifications piece by piece. The “phase” in question, Klein begins, “is ushered in” by an “oral-sadistic desire” — hence it seems to originate, at least, during the oral phase. And it “passes away with the earlier anal stage.” So — on the evidence — it outlasts the decline of the oral phase, but not by long. Very well: the sadistic phenomena depicted in the essay belong with the “oral” and “anal” phases, and to some extent bridge them. (In fact, they only barely enter the anal phase.) If we wished to plot this phase along a simple Freudian diagram, it would appear as follows:
Psychosexual Stages
This would all be entirely cogent, albeit novel, if Klein concluded her periodizing here. A sentence later, however, she continues:
“At the same time this phase forms the introduction to the Oedipus conflict. The genital is beginning to exercise an influence, but this is as yet not evident, for the pregenital impulses hold the field. My whole argument depends on the fact that the Oedipus conflict begins at a period when sadism predominates.”
Now, on the standard model, the Oedipus constellation, with its assorted dynamics, basically coincides with the phallic stage. It has essentially to do — certainly in the case of males — with the infant’s libidinal center of gravity shifting to the genitals, a preoccupation with the pleasure afforded by them, as well as imagined threats (castration) directed toward them. And while the edges separating a psychosexual stage from its successor stage are hardly “tidy,” there is still — naturally — enough differentiation to warrants speaking of stages at all.
But to return to Klein’s words: the infantile sadism she is describing, which according to our diagram (and Klein herself) “passes away with the earlier anal stage,” also purportedly “forms the introduction to the Oedipus conflict” — a conflict canonically activated, not merely after the “earlier anal stage,” but after the anal stage in its entirety.
Klein’s proposal here is hardly aberrant. The concluding paragraphs of “Symbol-Formation” essentially repeat her description and thus confirm her “scrambling” of the standard Freudian chronology:
“The early stages of the Oedipus conflict are dominated by sadism. They take place during a phase of development which is inaugurated by oral sadism (with which urethral, muscular and anal sadism associate themselves) and terminates when the ascendancy of anal sadism comes to an end” (231)
We will observe at least two types of deviation here. On the one hand, the time-scale of psychosexual development is for Klein strikingly compressed. On the other hand, the “boundaries” separating one phase from another, already porous in Freud, appear virtually to disappear in Klein. By the time of Envy and Gratitude (1957), many years later, Klein can write: “I have often contended that genital sensations and desires are possibly operative from birth onwards” (195). With such a hypothesis in place, it is less surprising when Klein continues that the Oedipus complex “normally arises concurrently with the depressive position in the second quarter of the first year” (196). That is: from an experience characteristic of children between the ages of two and six years old — Freud’s conception — the Oedipus complex is, at least in its origins, the psychological climate of infants between the ages of three and six months old.
So much, then, for this example of the Kleinian Verfremdungseffekt — in this case, one that we undergo while reading the essay’s first sentences. There are many others, and I will try to convey some of these in the following commentaries. In particular, I want to say something about Klein’s idiosyncratic appropriation and transformation of the picture found in Freud’s “Formulations on the Two Principles of Mental Functioning” — an operation which Klein carries out, again, with a bare minimum of acknowledgment.
Freud, “Formulations on the Two Principles of Mental Functioning” (1911) (XIII)
In the last entry, we considered some of the interlocking ideas contained in the following passage:
“A special function was instituted which had periodically to search the external world, in order that its data might be familiar already if an urgent internal need should arise — the function of attention [Aufmerksamkeit]. Its activity meets the sense-impressions half way, instead of awaiting their appearance. At the same time, probably, a system of notation [Merken] was introduced, whose task it was to lay down the results of this periodical activity of consciousness — a part of what we call memory [Gedächtnis]” (220-221)
I want to emphasize something else about this passage, though, which may turn out to hold special significance. It matters, I think, that the faculty of Merken (notation, retention) — “whose task it was to lay down the results” of attention — is not synonymous with memory überhaupt, but is rather only “a part of what we call memory [Gedächtnis].”
What might have prevented Freud from helping himself to the more sweeping thesis that Gedächtnis generally — and not only that “part” of it designated Merken — originates at this stage? Why doesn’t he claim that, before the psyche is impelled to “retain” the results of its “attending” activities, it has no need for memory, hence no facility for it, at all?
I suspect that such a strong thesis would have left Freud with a contradiction. In fact, it seems to me that his descriptions of the psyche while under the reign of the pleasure principle, and in particular its strategy of hallucinatory satisfaction — these descriptions already presuppose some kind of primitive or incipient “memory” on the part of that psyche. To recall the paradigmatic example: an infant who feels the need for nourishment when the breast — hence real satisfaction — is unavailable, will initially hallucinate that breast in its stead. Yet from out of which “materials” is an infant able to hallucinate this satisfaction, if not from the memories of previous experiences of satisfaction, that is, from memories of real nourishment?
Now perhaps Melanie Klein, or a theorist influenced by her, could appeal to a stock of biologically innate or “endogenous” conceptions — including breast imagos — from which the infant draws in its phantasies. Such imagos may be concretized through particular experiences of nourishment, but do not essentially depend for their existence upon such experiences. From this Kleinian standpoint, it seems, the infant is entirely capable of “attempts at satisfaction by means of hallucination” without the resources afforded by memory. (See the chapter on Klein in Mitchell and Greenberg’s Object Relations in Psychoanalytic Theory for a discussion of this issue.)
But as far as I can tell, this standpoint is rather foreign to Freud’s way of thinking. For this reason alone, I imagine that Freud would credit the pleasure-ego with a primitive form of Gedächtnis, even before it evolves the more refined faculty of Merken — a term that may designate a recollective process that is explicitly “conscious” and, after a fashion, “realistic” and “rational.”
In short, we may conclude that there is such a thing as memory at the level of the pleasure principle, as yet unharnessed to the reality principle. And this means something like: a “memory" whose productions the psyche does not yet reliably distinguish from either its own “wishes” or its contemporaneous “reality.”
And this reading must be correct, at least in a rough way. A few years after publishing this piece, Freud formalizes his view, in “Remembering, Repeating, and Working-Through” (1914), that the “repetition compulsion” of neurosis is precisely a mode of memory, namely, the form memory takes when the path of conscious recollection is obstructed by resistance and the repressions it holds in place. This suffices in itself to demonstrate that “memory” is not absent at the “archaic” level of the unconscious, primary process, and the pleasure principle.
This is a peculiar form of memory, though, remote from the “retention” that evolves in Freud’s account here. It has the paradoxical flavor of memory with no awareness of being memory. (This is one context in which to grasp Freud’s famous claim that the unconscious is “timeless.”) So far as the pleasure-ego is aware, its hallucination of the object — the breast, say — is not a “memory” at all, but that object’s reality. It systematically misapprehends its “past” as “present.” Or conversely, like the adult neurotic: its “present” is systematically overlaid by the “past,” with which it is conflated. The pleasure-ego does not lack memory, then, so much as it lacks the capacity to identify a given mental representation as memory, or to distinguish it from any other “real” (i.e. reality-apt) representation.
To summarize: our picture is not of a psyche without memory, per se, but of one that continuously constructs its experience, unawares, with memory-materials.
Freud, “Formulations on the Two Principles of Mental Functioning” (1911) (XII)
Freud has argued that the reality principle supervenes when the psyche’s “attempt at satisfaction by means of hallucination” — the pleasure principle’s modus operandi — fails to redeem its promise: to secure pleasure and relieve frustration. When this threshold is reached, the “pleasure-ego’s” instinctive behaviors — probing, shifting, reacting, expanding and contracting, in direct response to the pleasure and unpleasure of inner and outer stimuli — must be subordinated to the behavioral repertoire now being evolved. This repertoire embraces “a succession of adaptations…in the psychical apparatus” (219-220) that respond to the pressures of reality-imperatives.
These adaptations include such capacities as a (heightened) awareness of sensations, deliberate attention to the environment, thought, foresight, retention, and delayed gratification — much of which can perhaps be gathered under the rubric of “executive functioning.”
[The structural model would surely simplify things here. According to Freud’s subsequent schema, the “ego” is essentially that agency representing reality-claims and enabling adaptation to them. In that case, though, a phrase in the essay like “pleasure-ego” seems to become oxymoronic. Hasn’t the psyche qua “ego” subordinated itself to the reality principle? Or again: hasn’t this psyche disentangled itself from the pleasure principle. By contrast, inasmuch as the psyche remains in thrall to the (undiluted) pleasure principle, it is something other than the ego — quintessentially the id. Perhaps this exaggerates things, however. The ego’s “defensive” functions, which basically operate outside of awareness, arguably themselves respond to the pleasure principle; for they too protect the psyche from painful mental contents at the cost of (relative) self-occlusion.]
In any event, Freud describes each of these newfound capacities, consecutively, as adjuncts acquired by the psyche to support its reality program. The promise of these capacities, which together constitute “reality-testing” [Realitätsprüfung], is precisely that they allow the psyche to reach that aim — pleasure, satisfaction, relief — which adherence to the pleasure principle itself failed to reliably deliver.
Now one vital precondition of reality-testing, Freud suggests, is memory, and in what follows I would like to discuss it in detail, since some of its significance is obscure, I think. In the essay, “memory” [Gedächtnis], or at least the component of it designated “notation” [Merken], is intimately connected with faculties of environment-monitoring or “attention” [Aufmerksamkeit]:
“A special function was instituted which had periodically to search the external world, in order that its data might be familiar already if an urgent internal need should arise — the function of attention [Aufmerksamkeit]. Its activity meets the sense-impressions half way, instead of awaiting their appearance. At the same time, probably, a system of notation [Merken] was introduced, whose task it was to lay down the results of this periodical activity of consciousness — a part of what we call memory [Gedächtnis]” (220-221)
[The seeming pun of “Merken” on “Aufmerksamkeit” is lost in Strachey’s “attention” and “notation.” The association is preserved, however — deliberately or not — in Frankland’s choice of “attention” and “retention” for the two.]
We may distinguish several ingredients in what is essentially a “functional” account:
As before, the “urgent internal need[s]” which may at any time overwhelm the psyche are the foundation of Freud’s account. The pleasure-ego’s “attempt at satisfaction by means of hallucination” was finally inadequate to these “needs.” And the mounting frustration occasioned by their non-satisfaction is what compels a reckoning with reality.
In particular: once the psyche resolves to satisfy its needs, not via hallucinatory omnipotence, but via “a real alteration” in “the real circumstances in the external world” (219), then some kind of “attention” to those circumstance — yielding useful “data” about it — logically follows. After all, the various sources of satisfaction and frustration in the psyche’s environment are of no advantage so long as this psyche possess no “data” concerning their existence, properties, and so on.
Moreover, this attention is proactive; it “periodically…search[es] the external world” and “meets the sense-impressions half way, instead of awaiting their appearance.” In other words, the “attending” psyche is no longer passively constrained to whichever sensations “happen” upon it, but is now empowered to orient itself.
Yet surely the data accumulated via this proactive attention is itself of no use to a psyche which cannot store and access it, as required. A data-yielding attention that totally lacked retention — were such a thing even conceivable — would lose its data the very moment it is won. Accordingly, if an “urgent internal need” were to arise, such a retention-less psyche would be no better positioned to exploit its environment for satisfaction than a psyche which lacked “attention” altogether.
I will comment more on this passage in the next entry.